
Avoid High Bills This Summer

2019-01-19 12:52:34






Summer is almost here! But the warm weather we have been waiting for comes with an increase in the amount of energy needed to cool your home.


So, what can you do to reduce usage? 


1.      Set your thermostat to 78 degrees.
If you are leaving home for more than 4 hours, set your thermostat back 5-7 degrees. Make sure to not turn off your system. 


2.      Put your fans to work while you are in the room.
A ceiling fan can create a wind chill, making the room seem cooler. Set your fan to spin counterclockwise in the summer, and don't forget to turn off the fan when you leave the room.


3.      Use your blinds, curtains, shutters and solar screens.
Move your blinds and curtains to avoid direct sunlight. This prevents some of the outdoor heat from entering your home.


4.      Seal up any leaks around windows and doors.
Check for and seal leaks around pipes, vents or electrical conduits that go through the wall, ceiling or floor. Look for leaks in bathrooms, underneath the kitchen sink, around pipes inside closets, etc.


5.      Check your insulation.
Insulation helps slow down the transfer of heat to cold and a lack of it allows heat to enter your home, increasing your bill.


6.     Have your HVAC system serviced twice a year.

Make sure your HVAC has been tuned-up so your cooling system will run as efficiently as possible. Don't forget to change your air filter per manufacturer recommendations! Summer is almost here! But the warm weather we have been waiting for comes with an increase in the amount of energy needed to cool your home.